


2016     Kiel, Christina & Megan E. Osterbur. “A hegemon fighting for equal rights: the dominant role of COC Nederland in the LGBTQ transnational advocacy network.” Global Networks, (May online availability) DOI: 10.1111/glob.12126

2015     Osterbur, Megan E., Elizabeth Yost Hammer, & Elliott Hammer. “Does Mechanism Matter? Student Recall of Electronic versus Handwritten Feedback.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9:1 (January) http://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/ij-sotl/vol9/iss1/7/  

BOOK CHAPTERS                                                                

2017         Kiel, Christina & Megan E. Osterbur. “Pink Links: Visualizing the Global LGBTQ Network.”  in LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader eds Susan Burgess, Cricket Keating, & Marla Brettschneider. Forthcoming New York: New York University Press


2017 Osterbur, Megan.  “Review of Masculinity, Femininity, and American Political Behavior. By Monika L. McDermott. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2016” American Review of Politics 36:1

UNDER REVIEW                                                                                                                                                                                 

Osterbur, Megan E. & Kate Eskine. “Digital Jitters: Students’ Perceptions and Expectations of the First Day of an Online Course.”

Kiel, Christina & Megan Osterbur. “Tweeting in Echo Chambers? Analyzing Discourse Between American Jewish Interest Groups”


Osterbur, Megan & Joel Voss. “But I Thought We Were Friends?: Challenging Regional and Ideological Voting Blocs in the United Nations Human Rights Council using Network Analysis”

Osterbur, Megan & Joel Voss. “Naming and Shaming in the United Nations Human Rights Council: Do 'Bad Apples' Matter?”


Peer-Reviewed Articles

2016     Kiel, Christina & Megan E. Osterbur. “A hegemon fighting for equal rights: the dominant role of COC Nederland in the LGBTQ transnational advocacy network.” Global Networks, (May online availability) DOI: 10.1111/glob.12126

2015     Osterbur, Megan E., Elizabeth Yost Hammer, & Elliott Hammer. “Does Mechanism Matter? Student Recall of Electronic versus Handwritten Feedback.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9:1 (January) http://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/ij-sotl/vol9/iss1/7/  

Book Chapters                                                                

2017         Kiel, Christina & Megan E. Osterbur. “Pink Links: Visualizing the Global LGBTQ Network.”  in LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader eds Susan Burgess, Cricket Keating, & Marla Brettschneider. Forthcoming New York: New York University Press

Book Reviews

2017 Osterbur, Megan.  “Review of Masculinity, Femininity, and American Political Behavior. By Monika L. McDermott. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2016” American Review of Politics 36:1

Under Review                                                                                                                                                                                 

Osterbur, Megan E. & Kate Eskine. “Digital Jitters: Students’ Perceptions and Expectations of the First Day of an Online Course.”

Kiel, Christina & Megan Osterbur. “Tweeting in Echo Chambers? Analyzing Discourse Between American Jewish Interest Groups”

Osterbur, Megan & M. Joel Voss. “But I Thought We Were Friends?: Challenging Regional and Ideological Voting Blocs in the United Nations Human Rights Council using Network Analysis”

Works in Progress

Osterbur, Megan. “#LGBTQ Transnational Advocacy: An Examination of the Twitter and Hyperlink Networks for the International LGBTQ Advocacy Community”

Osterbur, Megan & Joel Voss. “Naming and Shaming in the United Nations Human Rights Council: Do 'Bad Apples' Matter?”